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A Weekend in Berlin

I actually didn't even know I was going on this weekend trip until Paige called me while I was in Switzerland and told me she bought me...

Spring "Break" Part 2

ATHENS, GREECE Getting from Positano to Athens was a logistical mess that was either going to completely fall apart or go perfectly, and...

Spring "Break" Part 1

If you're wondering why I put apostrophes around break in the title, it's because I never really got one. Spring break was one big crazy...

One Day Vienna, the Next Venice

I am so blessed to have "field trips" that go to different countries. On my last class trip we went to Vienna, Austria and Venice, Italy...

Spontaneous in Switzerland

Ever since studying abroad, I have become a more spontaneous person. You kind of have to though because you are constantly adapting to...

Land of the Moose

When I say Sweden is the land of the moose, I’m not kidding. Literally EVERY souvenir shop is filled mostly with moose related...

Prague Blog and a Day in Dresden

Even though it was super early in the morning, as I boarded the train for Prague with my classmates I couldn't feel anything but...

Baths, Buses, Backpacks, Budapest

Last weekend was my first opportunity to travel wherever I wanted to and the consensus my group reached was Budapest. Even though I was...

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